09 March 2008

Post v.36

A perfectly reasonable editorial in the Guardian today from the Managing Director of Waitrose, Mark Price:

I firmly believe that as a retailer and a consumer I have a responsibility to protect the planet and minimise our impact on the environment. But in our pursuit of a "guilt-free" supermarket, are we fishing for sustainably sourced red herrings, rather than weighing up which of our actions will have the biggest impact on the next generation?

Mr. Price then goes on to give a few facts related to the AGW 'problem'. Facts are not a convienient truth for the environmentalists soaked in the religiousity of their movement. First out of the box, goldengate:

Ethical shopping and plastic bags are two different issues. Related they are for the convenience of the shoppers but for all the plastic and styrofoam pre-packing it is far more profitable for the Supermarkets and the manufacturing. But then again, is it the misled and gullible general public that is coned through all this advertisement and consumer based economy, where the public is lured to buy things it cannot afford and does not need. The bean counters with their new theories, formulas, more variable every third day, rate adjustments and keeping two sets of books, have the people over the barrel.

A couple of questions:

  • Does modern refigeration and packaging techniques actually extend the shelf-life of products, in turn requiring less to be produced, in turn reducing the emitted carbon of production?
  • Do fundamental environmentalists actually have such a low opinion of their fellow man as to think people are "lured" and "conned" into purchasing items they neither want or need?